8 Hair Secrets and Facts

1. Hair is the second fastest growing tissue in the body.
The fastest is the bone marrow. 

2. Black is the most common hair color and red is the most rare.
Only one percent of the world's population has naturally red hair. Two percent of the world's population has blonde hair. (Seventy-five percent of women today color their hair.)

3. While we are talking about redheads...
The ancient Greek believed that when redheads died, they would turn into VAMPIRES. 

4. The world's longest hair (female) 
Guinness Book of World's Records measured at 18 ft. 5.54 inches in 2004. A woman from China has grown her hair for more than 30 years! 

5. Your hair contains very important forensic information.
Scientist can know what you ate and drank as well as what environment that you lived in from only a tiny strand of hair. That hair strand holds all of that information on what your bloodstream has contained in the past several years....kind of creepy.

6. Oil Spills
Human hair is often used by tons of eco-friendly groups to help clean up oil spills.

7. One easy way to help the integrity of your hair...
Cold water will help close the outer cuticle of the hair strand. This will make your hair look smoother. It also helps lock in the moisture from your conditioner. Right before you get out of the shower, run nice cold water through your hair. Your hair will thank you!

8. How much does your hair grow?
The number one question I get from my clients: How much does my hair grow a month? The answer  is between a fourth of an inch to half an inch. No person is the same. There are a lot of factors that go into that. If your hair just isn't growing, ask your hair stylist what you can do. Make sure you are eating enough protein. Keratin=Protein.Your hair has tons of keratin in it, but don't over do it.


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