Have you ever wanted a fun color in your hair, but you can't because it isn't "appropriate" at work? Don't have the money to keep up with the color? Just want a vivid/pastel hair color for a special occasion? I am here to help! Schwarzkopf has come out with temporary hair color sprays. They have a few different colors to choose from such as green, blue, pink, and purple. These work best on lighter hair colors. 
These fashion sprays are great for the weekend, a music festival, or if you are just feeling spunky! The Schwarzkopf Blonde Me fashion sprays are the next best thing for having fun unique colors in your hair. Instead of coloring your hair, you can just whip out this bottle every time you are wanting to spice up your style. These sprays fade out every 1-3 washes. You can even use these sprays if you already have that color and you just want to freshen it up. Lets say you have pink hair and it is starting to fade, you can spray this on to help keep the look you want. These sprays are fun and my clients have been loving them! I started carrying them at my salon so that my clients can have fierce hair whenever they want! For the ladies, or gentlemen out there that can't have bright hair at work, now you can on the weekends! Simply spray in the hair Friday or Saturday and it will wash out by Monday. Hair is fun, be creative! Let the good times roll!
Make sure to follow me on instagram |@hairgoddesslauren| to see more tips, tricks, hairstyles, makeup, and products. Have a colorful weekend! 

Click here to purchase (best price I could find for you guys) >>> amazon web purchase or if you are local, come see me at the salon.


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