24k Sally Hershberger: dry shampoo

Sally Hershberger Dry Shampoo Kit w/Travel Mini

 Sally Hershberger, the creator behind this brand, has worked on a lot of well known celebrities and can do a mean shag haircut. I had the pleasure of seeing her in Chicago at a hair show this spring. The 24k line is sold at Sephora and Nordstrom costing around $32.

Alright, we all know that dry shampoos are all the rave right now. We all want big, full, textured hair. I have tried to use this product many ways and I think I finally have it down. You see, this 'dry shampoo' is not like other dry shampoos. If you try to spray it on your roots it almost feels as if you have just sprayed hairspray in your hair. It isn't the best feeling on the hair so I eventually tried to use it as a texture spray. I section and lift the hair then spray directly into the hair. This works like a charm. Don't let the name fool you, it doesn't work like most dry shampoos that soak up oil. You can do this technique on straight, curly, or air dried hair. My favorite way of using this is after I curl my hair and before I spray a little hair spray in it. After I get done curling it, I run my fingers through the hair or flip my head a couple of times. After the curls have loosened up a bit, I section the hair and spray under the top section of hair and dust my fingers around the curls. This gives me the perfect amount of volume that we are all looking for without giving me "Texas hair."

Other than claiming it is a dry shampoo, I think this product is amazing. I highly recommend picking this up next time you are out shopping for a new product that gives you voluminous, sexy, and textured hair. Shake the can before you use it and for the first time, thanks for stopping by. Have a great week and don't forget...beauty doesn't always have to be a pain!



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